QAGeography › How is fresh water both a renewable and a limited resource?

How is fresh water both a renewable and a limited resource?


Renewable resources refer to the kind of natural resources that can be naturally replenished at a reasonable rate when compared to the rate at which it is being used. A limited resource or nonrenewable resource, however, is a kind of natural resource that is not replenished for a very long time, or at all.

Freshwater is a renewable resource because since it is in a cycle, it can be used over and over again. It is also a limited resource because the rate at which it is renewed does not match the rate at which it is being used.

Most of the freshwater in the world is stored as ice, making it inaccessible for use, and the amount available for use is only about 3 percent of the water contained in the world. The water cycle is the only way freshwater can be replenished, making it both renewable and limited.

3 years ago