QA › Law

Law answers to 34 questions

Answer 4) Shapes the debate and controls legislative agenda. The US Congress places a great importance on the political parties because party affiliation shapes the debate and controls the legislative agenda. Although political parties are not government institutions on their…
Answer: 2. An appellate court. The Supreme Court is best characterized as an appellate court. An appellate court is a legislative court that has been empowered to act as a means to ensure the proper application of the law whenever…
De Jure is a Latin expression that simply means by or through the law. It shows that something is real as defined through legislation. Therefore, De jure discrimination is discrimination that is enforced and codified by the governing law. It…
Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company vs Illinois, 118 U.S.557 (1886) case is a case by the Supreme Court of the US that was instrumental in the formation of the Interstate Commerce Commission. With the expansion of railroads in…