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Answer: C. The decisions made by producers and consumers drive all economic choices. A pure market system of economy is controlled by the law of demand and supply; not by a central government. In other words, there is unrestricted exchange…
Answer: B. luc, lum Luc/lum means light in Latin. This can be seen in words like lucent, illuminate, luminary, lucifugal, luculent, lumen, luminescent, luster, luciform, elucidative, circumlucid, lucid, translucent, luminary, etc. All of these words refer to light and are…
Answer: B. 5-10 minutes Bacteria are very tiny micro-organisms capable of splitting and multiplying at a very fast rate. Bacteria are known to double every four to five minutes. A single-celled bacteria cell can become two million in only a…
Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells contain a clearly defined nucleus. Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotes do not contain primitive organelles. Instead, membrane-bound well defined organelles are found in a eukaryotic cell. A typical eukaryotic cell is larger than that of a prokaryote.…
Answer: D. When the consumer buys more than is needed. Bulk buying implies purchasing large quantities of products. While bulk buying is known to be beneficial in certain situations like expected future rise in price and decrease in price when…
Answer: B. A line has one dimension because it is made up of all points that extend infinitely in either direction. A line has a single dimension because it consists of points that extend in either direction without limit. Shapes…
Answer: A. Segregation could lead to feelings of inferiority. The idea of separate but equal facilities for whites and blacks being constitutional was established by The Plessy v. Ferguson case in 1896. With this, there were different schools for white…
Answer: C. Little experience was provided to Africans in self-government. The scramble for Africa led to a trend of desperate and aggressive need to invade, colonize, and cause the annexation of African regions by European strongholds. The UK, France, Portugal,…
Answer: D. crop must be harvested by hand Food products labeled as organic are grown and processed without the use of any synthetic chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, or even pesticides. The percentage of organic ingredients present in a product gives rise…
Answer: C. In the late 1800s and early 1900s Thomas Edison, Often regarded as America's greatest inventor, was a renowned businessman and inventor, widely known for creating the light bulb among other notable inventions. Thomas' first prominent invention, the foil…
Answer: A. It removes H2O from the atmosphere during glycolysis. Food particles are processed in aerobes by combining the food with oxygen and then diverting the energy gotten from it using the mitochondria. The energy is then stored using ATP…
Answer: D. My objective was writing an eloquent speech. A verbal phrase of a sentence is the part of that sentence which contains a verb, and an object (direct or indirect). A verbal phrase will function as the verb in…
Answer: D. He does not live by the same rules and customs as the Greeks. A cyclops is a one-eyed giant, common in ancient Greek literature and folklore, known to be extremely primitive and ruthless. He lives in the distant…
Answer: C. It was considered part of the Japanese homeland. Iwo Jima was widely considered as part of the Japanese homeland and it was strongly believed that if Iwo Jima left, the entire Japan would leave as well. Japan had…
Answer: A. The sum of all genetic traits in a population’s individuals at a given time A gene pool is a collection of a variety of genes in an interbreeding population. A gene pool means the sum of a population’s…
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and other autotrophs use sunlight to produce food from carbon dioxide and water. In other words, during photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is taken in by plants and through a series of reactions of this…
Answer: A. Conservation favors hunters. Conservation can simply be defined as the controlled use of resources under the guidance of physical laws. Preservation on the other hand is the act of keeping safe, i.e., leaving something in its original state…
Answer: C. Is the maintenance of relatively stable internal environment. Homeostasis is the ability of cells, tissues, and organs to maintain, regulate, and ensure stability of the body system while adapting to certain conditions to ensure survival. It is the…
Answer: B. monarchy The word “arch” comes from the Greek word “archos” with the meaning “chief, leader, or ruler.” Words like hierarchy, archbishop, patriarchy, monarchy, etc. all contain the word “arch” and are therefore talking about a ruler or leader…
Answer: A. The net force acting on it is zero. According to Newton’s first law of motion, a body will continue to be in its present state of rest. Also, it can move in a straight line. However, it can…
Parallel lines are lines that can never intersect each other no matter how long you make them. Triangles therefore have no parallel lines as they are polygons having three sides which sums up to 1800. All sides of a triangle…
The prime factor of a number is simply the prime numbers capable of multiplying together to make the original number. Factors are just numbers that can be multiplied together to get another number but prime factors are made up only…
Answer: C. X-86-64 processor X-86-64 is a 64- bit version of the X-86 processor. By default, CPUs using the X-86-64 architecture operate in 64-bit mode. They can as well be backward-compatible with 16-bit and 32-bit applications. The X-86-64 architecture supports…
Answer: A. prevent monopolies. The primary role of financial regulators is to ensure fairness in financial markets and to prevent and investigate fraudulent activities in the financial space. They ensure efficiency and transparency of markets and also to ensure clients…
Answer: C. RJ45 100BaseT, also known as “fast internet”, is a network standard used to achieve very fast data transfer rates of up to 1000 Mbps. Generally, 100BaseT is known to be 10 times faster than the standard Ethernet. High…
Los Angeles was initially a town meant to provide food for Southern California. During the American-Mexican war, the United States took control of California and Los Angeles was neglected. In the 1850s, less than 2000 people stayed in the town…
Answer: A. social commentary. Sojourner Truth, born as Isabella Baumfree, was a women’s right activist as well as a renowned abolitionist. She was born into slavery in Swartekill (present day Rifton), New York. Truth became a Methodist and made her…
Answer: A. religions themes. All dramas before the renaissance focused on religious themes because during those times, religion constituted a major part of society’s everyday life. The laws and customs of society then tend to align with that of the…
Answer: B. positive coping skills Coping skills are skills used to minimize, deal, or tolerate certain situations in life. Generally, stress management will always make you feel better psychologically and physically and this in turn increases your chances of performing…
Answer: B. The world is becoming more globalized and connected. Globalization refers to the growing relationship between cultures, economies, and populations of the world caused by increase in cross-border trade in goods and services, communication, investment flow, and technology. Due…