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The year written as MCMLXIX is 1969. In 1969, one of the major events that happened was Apollo 11’s flight mission. This was the mission that recorded the first man landing on the moon in the person of Neil Armstrong.…
True. Ectomorphs are people who were born looking long and lean. Their body length is usually long in proportions. They are slender, and they find it difficult to gain weight no matter the diet they are placed on. Most full-body…
One slug would equal 14.59 kilogram and 1ft would equal 0.3048m. 15N would be equal to 15 kilogram meter per second square. 1 slug = 14.59kg 1ft=0.3048m 15 N = 15 kg m / s^2 = 15 * (1/14.59) slug…
A. A set of mathematics topics that is relevant to introductory physics courses. The physics primer is not defined as the online comprehensive mathematics textbooks. Physics Primer consists of tutorials, videos, and answers to specific questions, the main idea is…
No The subject of the discussion centered around Fresco, Mosaic, and Manuscript illumination. The cultural practice was the roman style. The two major symbols used to identify the religion was the cross, and the second was the cross with Jesus…
Voldemort wanted to kill Harry because, above all else, he wanted to avert the prophecy. While it is true that he chose Harry Potter unbeknownst to him (it could have been Neville Longbottom), the protective spell of love he triggered…
On several visits to the tree on the Radley property, Jem and Scout uncover several items. On one occasion, when Scout reaches into the knothole of Radley's tree, she comes up with a couple of sticks of chewing gum and…
"Romeo and Juliet", is replete with personification, and one example is when Friar Lawrence is picking blossoms for his different potions. He says: "The dim ey'd morn blesses the grimacing night, Check'ring the Eastern mists with dashes of light." In…
The Western European civilization has been described to be the resulting combination of the influence of Roman culture, the Christian Church, and some brute, archaic culture, and customs. The Eastern Roman Empire was more conforming to Greek societies, such that…
A dramatic irony is a literary device that is used to refer to a moment where something about a literary presentation has already been revealed to the audience but is unknown by characters in the presentation. Dramatic irony is seen…
The wallpaper represents the abuse that numerous ladies of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's age felt under the establishment of marriage. It additionally represents the mental barriers men endeavored to impose on ladies during the 1800s. It is also a strategic portrayal…
Tituba is a remarkable character in the play. She is the only black individual in the town of Salem, and a slave of the Reverend Parris. Tituba remains generally unseen, and her voice stays quiet because of her low social…
"Sonnet 18" by Williams Shakespeare can be described as one long metaphor, where the person speaking makes a comparison between his beloved and a summer's day. He goes on to emphasize that his beloved is more *temperate" than the summer,…
The Renaissance has influenced our modern society by its contribution to modern day works of art. Through the Renaissance movement, craftsmanship made its way to northern Europe, a new church was created, and the Catholic Church went through a reformation.…
Mockingbirds are said to signify innocence, fragility and altruism because it is harmless and simply sings, but it is hunted and mindlessly killed by children and hunters. In the same way, Tom Robinson represents an innocent mockingbird that, although he…
The first Jamestown settlers faced several problems, including hostility from the resident Indians, starvation, poor government, as well as administrative control. The starvation was mostly due to the settlers' failure to cultivate their crops early on, so they quickly ran…
The moral of the "Wife of Bath's Tale" is that women be allowed to dominate or exercise sovereignty over the men in their lives. The old hag depicted this clearly. According to the old hag, whether they were beautiful or…
As unrelated as both concepts seem, there is a fundamental connection between them. As observed in the molecules of an atom, when there is an increase in temperature, the molecules of the atoms begin to vibrate rapidly and move erratically,…
Although the Columbian exchange is said to have had some positive outcomes, the negative outcomes far outweigh and outlast many of the said positive outcomes. The appearance of Christopher Columbus in the Americas facilitated the spreading of plants, pathogens, and…
Several characters in "Fahrenheit 451" found ways of describing inanimate and unnatural elements as animate beings and comparing them with things that are abundant in nature. Sometimes, it was almost as if these things had become one with nature themselves.…
The key components of the architecture American Express has created were the ability to do business in many more effective ways by maximizing and properly utilizing new payment methods and mobile devices. This was made possible through the building and…
Answer: B. Ultrabooks. Ultraportables are a group of laptop computers that are lightweight, slim, and usually have higher processing speed and storage capacity than regular laptop computers. Ultrabooks conform to Intel's standards, and they have been designed to serve as…
Answer: C. Evaluating investment alternatives. Capital budgeting refers to the process undertaken by a business venture or company in order to assess the profit making potential of alternative investment ventures. It is a way for companies to measure, keep track…
Answer: A. The debit card company’s M1 funds. A company's M1 funds are the basic money supply a country has, which it dispenses as a legal tender for buying and selling. M1 funds comprise of deposits for demands and checking…
Answer: 4. A company whose products differ in batch size and complexity and consume different amounts of overhead resources. An overhead rate refers to a single overhead percentage that an industry or a company spends in order to allocate its…
Answer: B. Low. The light and heat generated by the sun are absorbed by the water as soon as it hits the surface and is only retained by the first few meters of the ocean's water. Also, the colder and…
With today's medical technology, Rosicky could have had his health problems detected early, and he would have been placed on a treatment plan. Being that he was 65, his treatment would have been provided for by Medicare. Also, when he…
Answer: Swedish astronomer, Carl Charlier. In the 20th century, Charlier developed a cosmological model that described the cosmos as an intricate system, arranged hierarchically. According to Charlier, the cosmos is arranged in scales that grow larger as each cluster is…
Being "not born of a woman", in its crudest sense, translates to a modern day cesarean section. When Macbeth went to the three witches to inquire about his fate from them, they gave him a prophecy and assured him that…
Answer: 1. The Christian cause In his letters to the different churches, Apostle Paul stresses that every believer's chief duty is to promote the Christian cause which seeks to save all that are yet unsaved. Seeing as Christ's gift of…