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Answer: C. Cash budget Explanation: Operating budget refers to the total amount of money required to keep a business running. A sales budget refers to the amount of sales a company estimates to make. A selling expense budget is an…
Answer: B. Charity. According to Foot, charity is a virtue that benefits the community rather than self because it promotes the protection of the rights of others. While temperance, wisdom and courage are virtues that lie within the same construct,…
Data lifecycle management, DLM is a set of strategies that are established to manage and control storage systems of computer peripherals. This happens by finding the viable compromise between the medium quality and the value of the recorded information. The…
De Jure is a Latin expression that simply means by or through the law. It shows that something is real as defined through legislation. Therefore, De jure discrimination is discrimination that is enforced and codified by the governing law. It…
Ticket splitting is the idea of a voting system in the US where votes are cast concurrently for candidates on grounds of their appeal to the voters regardless of their political affiliation. This strategy has wide application and can show…
Sociocentrism is a philosophical concept that arose as a result of the global civilization development. In this concept, the priority belongs to the community in the relationship between the individual and culture. This idea is a societal strategy applied when…
A certificate of deposit (CD) is a security that certifies the existence of a deposit account with a financial institution such as a bank. An enterprise can buy a certificate of deposit and sell it to anyone. Such certificates are…
Stocks and bonds are investments that people can make for profit or returns. However, they are different. With stocks, investors own a fraction of the company whereas bonds are taken as loans investors give to a company or organization. Therefore,…
Answer D is correct here. Biogeographic isolation defines the separation of two different populations drawn from the same species as a result of physical factors. This could lead to evolution where groups adapt to new conditions that could dramatically be…
The United States constitution was the main construction source that preserves the formal separation of powers. Both the federal and state governments draw their authority and powers as defined by the Constitution. There are clear responsibilities and governing powers contained…
When using the lens equation, a real object has a positive object distance – choice B. The lens equation is a vital topic in the study of optics and physics in general. It helps in the quantification of the relationship…
The card stacking propaganda is a methodology that can be applied in either marketing or politics to persuade listeners through exaggerating positive facts while leaving out negative information. This propaganda commonly occurs in various advertisements, political campaigns and speeches. The…
Power sharing and distribution in North Korea is a complex issue to address. The country is a Communist State ruled under Totalitarian Dictatorship. This means that the country’s leader is a dictator who chairs the State Affairs Commission. He is…
The answer is B. A fossil record is the record of the occurrence and evolution of living things via geological time as concluded from fossils. Through the study of fossils, scientists learn about various organisms and how they have changed…
Apparently, Gertrude is not aware of the misdeeds of Claudius as the play unveils. However, she begins to doubt her assertions as the events unfold. Her beliefs are undermined after Hamlet kills Polonius and blames his mother for betrayal. He…
Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company vs Illinois, 118 U.S.557 (1886) case is a case by the Supreme Court of the US that was instrumental in the formation of the Interstate Commerce Commission. With the expansion of railroads in…
In economics, scarcity is a concept that shows the disparity that exists between the people’s wants and the available resources. All the choices made according to the prioritized purpose during the allocation of these scarce items. Opportunity costs are, therefore,…
Economics help a lot in addressing people’s needs. Each society is expected to answer three important economic questions to realize this objective. Here they are: What should we produce How should it be produced For whom should we produce it?…
Damage to the frontal lobes of the brain is a likely result of the chronic use of alcohol – choice D. The excessive use of alcohol is connected to various health concerns. Some may be less harmful and managed through…
Organizations and communities are often faced with different emergencies that can be addressed at the local level or at times may require a collaborative effort from various agencies. The National Incident Management System (NIMS), is a particular framework for managing…
Universal manhood suffrage is a kind of voting rights where all adult males in a given political system are permitted to vote without considering qualifications such as their race, income, religion, property. It is a concept comparable to the “one…
States would function independently of each other in what is called a confederacy system of government. Essentially, there are three widely known government systems defined through the power structure. These are mainly the unitary states, federations and confederations. Unitary states…
The purpose of government regulation in a mixed-market economy is to protect corporate rights. A mixed-market economy has the factors of production controlled through the private market and the formal authorities as well. Every market around the world is a…
Spectroscopy is defined as the study and exploration of the electromagnetic spectrum of light. It’s has everything to do with studying the various frequencies that come with electromagnetic radiation. Various electromagnetic waves wavelengths have different colours. Some of the colours…
The law of supply dictates that price and quantity move along a track in the same direction – choice A. when the price of goods goes up, the number of goods is also expected to go high and vice versa.…
Data points that fall outside of the production possibility curve represent a currently unattainable production – choice D. Usually abbreviated as PPC, a production possibility curve is a representation of the quantity of services and goods that can be produced…
There are different ways of ruling execution and that is what mainly differentiates totalitarian regimes from authoritarian ones. An authoritarian regime is the exact opposite of a democratic government just like in a totalitarian regime. Authoritarian power is vested in…
Living in company towns made union membership more difficult for workers because company stores did not sell goods to workers who joined unions. Company towns had all shops and houses belonging to one organization with the largest group of employees…
The paradox presented in the poem “Homework” is best explained by choice C - though an international clean-up is needed, the solution is not as simple as cleaning laundry. The paradox presented to the reader in this poem is defined…
The correct choice is B – Most states had passed some safety laws, but enforcement varied. The workplace safety laws and occupational health measures were not applied leading to harsh working conditions. Most workers got minimum wage but got exposed…