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The sum of an object's kinetic and potential energy is referred to as the mechanical energy of the object. Also known as the total mechanical energy (TME), it relates to the sum of the energy an object possesses while moving…
A seed is a part of a plant that is formed from fertilized plant ovules. Seeds contain all the information needed for them to grow into a new plant. Some parts are common to every seed, no matter the type…
At a wavelength of 92.05nm, n=1 When n=10 transferring of an electron to level 10, (n2 = sqrt (Rl/Rl - 1) = 10); At a wavelength of 901.3nm, transferring electron from 10th level to level 3 (n1 = sqrt (100…
Difference in the complexity of unicellular and multicellular organisms. Unicellular organisms lack specialized cells, while the cells of multicellular organisms can specialize and function independently Unicellular organisms can survive independently when removed from colonies. Due to their complexity and specialization…
Following the law of demand, the downward slope signifies that following a decrease in the price or utility of a commodity, the demand for the commodity increases. However, this depends on the purchasing power of the consumer. The downward slope…
The nitrogen-containing base that is present in DNA but not in RNA is thymine. The bases present in DNA are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). In RNA, however, the nitrogen bases are adenine (A), guanine (G),…
To maintain a star's internal thermal pressure, two processes are involved: nuclear fusion and gravitational contraction. Nuclear fusion within the star implies that the nucleus of hydrogen atoms combines to form the nucleus of one or more larger ones. When…
During resistance training, you should move – two seconds per lift and slowly lower (Choice B). People take part in resistance building to build muscles and to learn to disregard fatigue. This can be achieved through a slow and accurate…
It is always prudent to determine who needs certain goods and services before producing them. This is the best criterion to apply when deciding for whom to produce. Producing items without identifying the market demands will lead to a “struggle-to-sell”…
The first item relates to the second one. It is therefore important to establish the relationship before answering the second part of the statement. Various chapters make up a book and therefore, can be considered as building elements. So what…
Standardization of organizational structures to enhance integration and connectivity is defined by NIMS, which is responsible for dealing with incidents. NIMS is primarily tasked with saving lives, stabilizing actions when accidents happen and protecting the environment. Key components of NIMS…
Developing countries have a number of challenges to contend with. One issue often facing these developing countries is very high population growth (choice D).  The other options given do not hold. Democracy is not easily attainable and if it were…
False. Sexual harassment comes in many ways and does not necessarily or entirely require that a sexual comment be made directly to a specific person. This term has a broad definition that can as well involve making a sexual comment…
During WWI, Americans changed the name of hamburgers to liberty sandwiches following the German etymology of “hamburger.” The meal appeared first in the 1840s, at a time when there many German immigrants in the US due to political motives. The…
The stork pose is well defined in choice A – Place one foot on the inside of the leg, raise the heel of the other foot, and remain in this position as long as possible. There are different positions for…
The move from peacetime to wartime production was a difficult task that required the involvement of a specialized arm of the government known as the War Production Board (WPB). This agency oversaw war material production, distributed them and set the…
An oligopoly is a situation where few companies dominate the market share offering a certain commodity. However, these companies don’t compete against each other on quality and price. There is a high entry barrier for entrants hence there are not…
Answer: C) It was experiencing steady growth from wartime production. The United States had several benefits from WWII. The country came from the focus of war and fighting and got into the fray following the Pearl Harbor bombing in 1941.…
Regulatory requirements connected to the social role are known to role interaction participants and produce corresponding expectations of each role. Every participant in the interaction expects each behaviour to fit into the context of the social role. Most importantly, social…
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development involves four stages. Of these is the sensorimotor stage, the first stage happening from birth to about two years. It is a stage with rapid cognitive growth where infants enhance their world understanding through trial…
City bonds or municipal bonds are issued by city governments when the city or town is seeking funds to finance new projects for the public such as hospitals, highways or schools. Well, a bond is a security debt that is…
A credit union is the type of financial organization that typically has requirements for membership. This is its main difference from other financial institutions such as a bank. Other than that, a credit union accepts deposits, provides loans and offers…
Producers have a huge task to make sure that they remain relevant in the market. One of their biggest goals is to have an absolute advantage. A producer will have an absolute advantage in such products where it has a…
Cultural imposition is the tendency of a person or a group of persons to believe that their cultural beliefs and values must be dominant over the rest. As a result, they will tend to impose their values and behavioural patterns…
Encapsulation, reminiscent of medical capsules is the entirety of a packet at one layer becoming the payload section at another layer. In information technology, data is a part of a packet that has a payload that is equal to plus…
The Missouri Nonpartisan Court Plan, also known as the Missouri Plan came up with a means of choosing judges. The plan started in Missouri but was later moved to other states of America.  In this plan, a commission is put…
Financial institutions often use a credit score rating before lending out money to their customers. Therefore, a credit rating is well defined in choice B - a numerical rating that expresses how likely you are to repay your debts. It…
The sentences from “A Modest Proposal” that use quotation marks properly are: A) Swift explains that landlords “seem to have the best title to the children.” D) Swift writes, “I think the advantages by the proposal which I have made…
Theocracy and communism are the two types of oligarchies listed here, hence choice D. Essentially, an oligarchy is a situation where a certain group of people rules over the rest that is a majority.  There are five government types as…
Incorporation is the founding of a new corporation that could be for or not for profit. For instance, people gathering to dwell in a previously unsettled place in huge quantities may consider becoming a municipality. This area then gets self-governed…