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Answer: C. form a mental picture. In vivid imagery, all senses are used in describing a subject in a writing piece. To help the reader in forming a mental picture, vivid imagery is used. Vivid imagery is a very effective…
Answer: B. tracking caloric intake A person who desires to lose weight in a healthy manner should focus on total calorie intake by intentionally cutting the number of calories consumed per day. Keeping a record of the calorie intake of…
Answer: A. love Shakespearean sonnets are most often used in expressing love between different characters. These are poems written strictly because sonnets were highly respected forms of poetry during his time. Generally, Shakespeare’s sonnets come in a variety of themes…
Answer: D. Enrique’s dream is to become a full-time singer. Only option D uses the hyphen correctly. In the other options, the words there do not need hyphens. In option A, two adjectives can be hyphenated but not after a…
Answer: A. observing what other students in your class are wearing Discovery science is a scientific method of emphasizing and analyzing large amounts of data with the sole purpose of finding new correlations. This in turn leads to the formation…
15 cents = two lemons 60 cents = x lemons   Cross multiply: 15x = 60 x 2 15x = 120 x = 8 Therefore, 60 cents will buy 8 lemons
Answer: C. Makes choices for Juliet without her consent. Capulet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is an antagonist because he makes choices for Juliet without her consent. A character who makes contradictory or opposing decisions in a play is an…
Answer: D. All of the above are communication barriers caused by ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism entails seeing one’s cultural beliefs as superior to other people’s beliefs and customs. The belief that your custom is better than others and everyone should adapt to…
Answer: C. Adaptive evolution is a fluctuating change in a trait. As a result of our ever changing environment, adaptive evolution leads to a fluctuating change in traits. With evolution leading to changes in organic matter over time, adaptive evolution…
Answer: A. River birch and upland beech In consonance, there is a repetition of consonant sounds within a sentence. The phrase “River birch and upland beech” is an example of consonance. When this phrase is listened to carefully, the “r”…
A. It saves colonial people from other nations that would rob them. According to Beveridge, imperialism is the only way backward nations can know and adapt to the contemporary way of life. He also pointed out that colonizing a nation…
Answer: A. the ending. Falling action in a novel is just what happens at the end or near the end of a story usually after a major conflict or climax has been resolved. A rising action leads to the climax,…
Answer: C. Were freed by slave owners. Manumission is the act of being released from slavery. Manumission can be used as a benevolent gesture to thank a servant after many years of service. In order to portray a sense of…
Answer: D. Charlotte swept the floor after she finished cooking. A subordinating conjunction can be a word or a phrase used to link the main clause to a subordinate clause. Some examples of subordinating conjunction include after, that, wherever, while,…
Answer: B. Liquids are incompressible. Liquids are well suited for hydraulics due to their incompressibility and stiffness. With this, they are able to provide powerful and durable energy transmission in a hydraulic system leading to actuators having a satisfying completion…
Answer: A. Both worked to create the first atomic bombs for the USSR. Both the Rosenbergs and the United States government worked together to create the first atomic bomb for the USSR. The Rosenbergs, an American couple, were executed using…
An independent judiciary of a strong government was one thing Marbury, a Federalist, strongly supported. The judiciary act of 1789 helped secure the independence of the judiciary by creating the Supreme Court and also ensuring the presence of the bipartisan…
Answer: A. Other living things cannot use atmospheric nitrogen. The nitrogen cycle involves a series of mechanisms leading to the interconversion of nitrogen and nitrogenous compounds gotten from the atmosphere. In the nitrogen cycle, bacteria are very important because atmospheric…
Answer: D. Sleep. Words with the word root dorm will always have a meaning related to inactiveness and sleep. This is so because dorm is a Latin word meaning asleep, dormant, inactive, not growing, etc. this makes more sense when…
Answer: A. Our mission is to boldly go where no one has gone before. When a word or phrase is placed between a particle and a to-infinitive, such grammatical construction is called a split infinitive. When there is an adverb…
Answer: D. creating amino acids Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. A typical amino acid structure consists of a central carbon atom covalently bonded to a carboxyl group, an amino group, and a hydrogen atom. When numerous amino…
Answer: A. not personal In English, the prefix “im” means “not”. The correct answer, therefore, is not personal. The prefix “im” is generally used for negation so, when “im'' is added to a word, the word changes in meaning to…
Answer: D. Schleiden and Schwann The widely known cell theory was developed by two scientists; Theodore Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden. “The cell is the most basic unit of life” is the second item in the cell theory. This explains…
The five strength training principles are: Overload Recovery Specificity Reversibility Periodization In overload, extreme ascending amounts of stress are placed on the body. This infliction causes a form of strain on the muscles, leading to adaptations and then improving fitness…
Answer: A. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase Microscopic organisms are capable of growing via cell replication. When a single-celled organism divides and in the process produces identical daughter cells, it is called mitosis. Mitosis is very essential for growth and also…
Answer: C. it is the same for every sample of every substance Matter is the same for every sample of every substance. The intensive physical properties of matter include pressure, density, the boiling point, the melting point, the color, etc.…
Answer: D. Property disclosure Before purchasing a property, the seller or real estate agent has the legal obligation of outlining or revealing any defects or flaws associated with the home. This is very essential as it makes the buyer aware…
During the gilded age, three factors transformed the industry and they are; Expansion of railroads, New technologies, and New business practices. The gilded age is a period between the 1870s and 1900 i.e. the late 19th century. There was rapid…
2/3 x 2/3 = 4/9 This is because when multiplying two fractions, the numerator of one fraction is multiplied by that of the other while the denominator of the first fraction is multiplied by that of the other. With this,…
Answer: A. Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler The book “Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveller” would most likely be written in first person. A first-person book is a book which involves…