QA › Politology

Politology answers to 44 questions

Answer: 2. Promote policies Policymakers are those people who are actively involved in the process of creating new policies or amending older ones. They cannot make policies on their own. They need to get the support of the masses and…
Answer: D The National Response Framework (NRF) is a denomination of the National Strategy for Homeland Security. The National Response Framework offers relevant information and details required to effectively execute national response conflicts and emergencies. The NRF is founded on…
c. Posters Posters remain the most prevalent propaganda media form. This is because they communicated with people in history. Posters were always put in public places where people could easily have access to them. They were placed in shops, plastered…
3. to influence undecided voter The key reason why politicians spend lots of dollars to advertise during elections is to influence voters that are undecided. In every election, some voters already have a preferred candidate for the position available to…
Answer: 2. Federal system. Central and state governments influence each other in a federal system. The federal system of government is one that combines both the central (or national government) and the state government (or local government). While the central…
Answer: C. Russia is known for corruption, creating ethical dilemmas for firms. The problem of bribery and corruption in Russia is no news to foreign investors. The ethical problems caused by bribery highly discourages foreign investors.
Ticket splitting is the idea of a voting system in the US where votes are cast concurrently for candidates on grounds of their appeal to the voters regardless of their political affiliation. This strategy has wide application and can show…
The United States constitution was the main construction source that preserves the formal separation of powers. Both the federal and state governments draw their authority and powers as defined by the Constitution. There are clear responsibilities and governing powers contained…
The card stacking propaganda is a methodology that can be applied in either marketing or politics to persuade listeners through exaggerating positive facts while leaving out negative information. This propaganda commonly occurs in various advertisements, political campaigns and speeches. The…
Power sharing and distribution in North Korea is a complex issue to address. The country is a Communist State ruled under Totalitarian Dictatorship. This means that the country’s leader is a dictator who chairs the State Affairs Commission. He is…
Universal manhood suffrage is a kind of voting rights where all adult males in a given political system are permitted to vote without considering qualifications such as their race, income, religion, property. It is a concept comparable to the “one…
States would function independently of each other in what is called a confederacy system of government. Essentially, there are three widely known government systems defined through the power structure. These are mainly the unitary states, federations and confederations. Unitary states…
The purpose of government regulation in a mixed-market economy is to protect corporate rights. A mixed-market economy has the factors of production controlled through the private market and the formal authorities as well. Every market around the world is a…
Theocracy and communism are the two types of oligarchies listed here, hence choice D. Essentially, an oligarchy is a situation where a certain group of people rules over the rest that is a majority.  There are five government types as…